Holy orders
Sacrament of Service
A Vocation Prayer
​Lord Jesus, who called the ones you wanted to call, call many of us to work for you, to work with you.
You who enlightened with your words those whom you called, enlighten us with faith in you.
You who supported them in their difficulties, help us to conquer the difficulties we have as young people today.
And if you call one of us to be consecrated completely to you, may your love give warmth to this vocation from its very beginning and make it grow and persevere to the end. Amen
-- Saint John Paul II
Answering the Call​​
Every person in the world has a vocation, a calling from God.
​If you think yours is in Priesthood then here are some tips to help you discern.
Spend time daily in quiet prayer, especially in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Also pray the rosary. Mary's total surrender to God is a model for all of us to follow. Read the Scriptures, especially the Gospels.
Frequent reception of the sacraments of penance and the Eucharist open our hearts to hearing the voice of God.
Seek counsel from people you trust (your parents, a priest). Get spiritual direction from someone trained to do so.
Being with God in silence allows us to hear His voice, away from all of the distractions of the world.
Visit a seminary. You do not know what you are saying yes or no to unless you go and see.
Join a discernment group in order to be with others who are trying to discern God's will in their lives.
Above all, trust that doing the will of God will bring us joy and peace.
Job Description
A vocation is God’s unique invitation for you, a particular way for you to live your life to the fullest. Your response is expected… not as a single act, but as a lifelong process, a journey of faith.

If you think you might be called to Priestly life, pray about it and contact our Diocesan Director for Vocations, Father Cristino Bouvette. Click the link below for contact information.