non-liturgical Ministries
other parish ministries
Collection Counters
These volunteers are responsible for ensuring the weekend collection is counted and deposited each week. (Police Screening is required.)
Funeral Lunch Committee
Volunteers who serve on this committee prepare and serve lunches for funerals in our Parish community. Volunteers are required for set-up, serving and clean-up.
RSVP - Requesting Servants for a Vibrant Parish
RSVP's role is to encourage members of the faith community to contribute their time and talents in the ministries of the church and to fully support our growing Parish.
Parents who request Baptism for their children are required to take part in a preparation course to gain an understanding of the ritual, the obligation and responsibilities this Sacrament involves. Volunteers assist in this process.
Baptism for Infants: Volunteers assist the Priest in the Baptism Rite. Baptisms are celebrated Saturday at 10am and Sunday at 2pm. To register please email
Sacramental Preparation (First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation)
The Sacramental process reflects our faith journey, linking us together as Disciples of Christ. Preparation for First Holy Communion (grade 2 and up), Reconciliation (grade 2 and up) and Confirmation (grade 6 and up) is provided by the Church. Volunteers are needed in various areas for these programs. (Police Screening may be required)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) (Catechumenate)
RCIA is a process for welcoming newcomers into the Church and for instructing them in the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. It also provides an opportunity to grow spiritually and to develop a close relationship with God.
Sponsors are needed every year for the program; boost your own faith while learning more about the Catholic faith! Sponsors participate from September to Easter; no experience or knowledge needed, just practising Catholics.
Helping Hand Ministries
This group of people cares for the Altar linens, ensuring that linens are cleaned and available for Mass.
Kitchen Ministry
The Kitchen Ministry is responsible for ensuring our kitchen is well equipped and functional.
Cleaning & Sanitizing
The cleaning and sanitizing team is responsible for ensuring our Parish is a safe environment for our parishioners.
Helping Hands
This is a source of occasional volunteers for all Parish ministries to draw upon. Helping Hands volunteers are those who help only occasionally without any long-term commitment to a specific ministry.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry is geared towards youth in Junior High and High School but programs are also offered for Grade 6 students and young adults. All are welcome to attend. (Police Screening is required)
Property management
Building and Maintenance
This is a group of people that will be called as needed to help with the repair and maintenance of the Church. People with a variety of skills are needed. The skills include cabinet making, carpentry, painting, plumbing, snow removal, window cleaning and general cleaning.
Gardening & Landscaping
This is a group of individuals who enjoy gardening and want to plant and maintain the Church gardens throughout the growing season.